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News and Press

April 2017
Corrosive Substance attack in busy London Nightclub injures 3 seriously and leaves 17 more people requiring hospital treatment.
If you want to prepare your staff to deal with all types of first aid including chemical burns, which are becoming more and more prevalent then take a look at our commuter package.
For more details on this news story click here
March 2017
Vital First Aid Training Team now delivering Flat Stan First Aid to a school near you!
March 2017
Four-year-old's 999 call saved mum's life after she collapsed.
Listen to the call and read more about the story here
January 2017
Terrorism 'First Aid Training Needed'

December 2016


AED Training added to First Aid at Work Syllabus


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has announced that from 31 December 2016, all first aid training providers must include automated external defibrillator (AED) training on first aid at work courses.

The HSE has revised its first aid at work syllabuses to include AED training, in response to changes to resuscitation guidelines which place more emphasis on the role of an AED in treating a casualty who is unresponsive and not breathing.


Our courses always include the HSE's recommended content.


We will also continue to offer specific courses on how to use an AED for people who require it:



Questions & Answers:



What do these changes mean for employers?

According to the HSE:

  • new first aiders must be trained in how to use an AED

  • existing first aiders don't have to re-train – they will update their skills when they requalify

  • employers don't have to buy an AED for their workplace – the requirement is still dependent on their needs assessment.


What is an AED?

An AED is a portable machine that automatically sends an electric shock to the heart muscle to return it to its normal rhythm. Once opened, it provides full instructions on what you should do.


When should an AED be used?

AEDs are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest (when a person's heart stops working) and they are unresponsive and not breathing.

30,000 people have a cardiac arrest outside hospital each year* and quick use of an AED (within 3–5 minutes of collapse) can lead to survival rates of 50 to 75 per cent**.

Combined with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), using an AED gives an unresponsive person who is not breathing the best possible chance of survival.


Where are AEDs located?

In recent years AEDs have been installed in many busy public places. You may have noticed one at your local train station, shopping centre or school.

Many workplaces also have an AED to ensure they are prepared for a first aid emergency.


Where can I get an AED for my workplace?

The AED's we use in our training courses have been purchased from WorkSafe Training Systems, they have a variety of AED models available for purchase.


Please visit to find out more about the options available. 


* Resuscitation Council UK
** European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015 – Section 2



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 Copyright Vital First Aid Training Ltd 

Brentwood, Essex, England, United Kingdom, London, Southeast, first aid training courses essex

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